
You can contact Tom or Katt. You decide. CLICK on Contact. Purchase book: The Invisibles

Katt Mandu

There are only two doors in the entire room, and both have a large “H” painted on them. One door is the express entrance to Heaven and the other sends you straight to Hell. Which door will you be sent through? Part Gen Z, part Boomer, these tales explore the future for all of us. …

Thomas Huzarevich

Eerily similar to the main character in my book, The Invisibles, I was also born in Dallas, Texas and my parents moved us to Fort Worth when I was a baby. We lived on the west side of town, on Tremont Avenue, before moving to the near south side, to Rockridge Terrace. Having the distinction as …

The Invisibles

Beau is a carefree, hippie/drug dealer living in Fort Worth, Texas who traffics marijuana from Southern Mexico to Quebec, Canada. While smoking dope one night at his apartment, a friend tells Beau about his encounter with extraterrestrials. The aliens discover Beau has found out about them and they seize his mind and transport it through …